Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Books I Read - Part Two

I love to read! There are few things that I enjoy as much as sitting down with a good book and melding my brain with it. A few months ago I decided that I would occasionally blog about the books I've been reading. So here we are again! I've read several books since my last "Books I Read" post, but here are the highlights:

1. J.I. Packer. Knowing God Oh man! This book is phenomenal! I highly recommend this one. This one is gonna take you a while. It's a slow and sometimes difficult read, but it is well worth the effort. Packer unpacks the attributes of God in this excellent book of theology.

2. J. Mack Stiles. Marks of the Messenger: Knowing, Living and Speaking the Gospel This is a great book on what the Gospel is and how to evangelize without being a heretic. I actually sent this guy an email telling him how great a book it is, and he responded within the hour. He was flying over Turkey on his way to the mission field. Great book. Read it!

3. Joshua Harris. Dug Down Deep: Unearthing What I Believe and Why it Matters Another great book. This is a theology book for those who don't want to get bogged down in the theological jargon and the technical aspects, but still want a basic foundation of theology. Harris is humorous and entertaining in this book.

4. A.W. Pink. The Sovereignty of God This book will blow your mind. I recommend that every Christian read this book, but go ahead and plan on it taking you a couple of months to finish it. It starts off pretty innocent, but by the time you're delving into 'double predestination' then you may have to stop every couple of sentences to let it sink in. It's tough. But it's good. I know of no other theologian that tackles the subject of sovereignty as thoroughly as Pink.

5. J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone I know, I know. This is way off from my usual books, but hear me out. Every now and then I have to fill my mind with trash. Sometimes one needs to veg out on some literary garbage so the mind can rest. Now, with that being said... I actually kind of enjoy this book (currently still reading). I have one friend who is so adamantly against anything Harry Potter (because of the sorcery and witchcraft) that I became curious. I have another friend who loves the Potter books and recommended them. Both of them are good Christian folk. So I figured... "Well, I'm not likely to start performing witchcraft because of a children's book I read... so I think I'll give it a try." So I started reading it. I'm taking my time, but I must admit... it's entertaining. I love the character development and the plot line. It's really pretty good. Give it a try. You probably won't start doing meth and robbing gas stations because you read it... at least I hope you won't!!

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